Monday, September 21, 2009

Unintended Consequences

After hearing the patter of little feet in the wee early hours for the last few months, something had to be done. Those little feet belonged to flying squirrels and it was time to issue them an eviction notice. We had been here once before and I didn't call that time until I had a flying squirrel in my bedroom (while Yami was out of town and I slept next to six week old M). I was not about to have that happen again.

And, so, I made the expensive but necessary call. All Creatures came out to the house and performed the one-way door trick which lets the critters get out but not back in and the problem is supposed to be solved. The thing is, Scott from All Creatures told me that I also have mice which I suppose is what happens when you move into the woods.....well, as expected, he sealed up the hole.....

This brings us to yesterday when I was standing in my kitchen and saw him running across the floor....a little gray mouse....after mild trepidation and some quick trap action, we caught him with a live trap, Yami took him about 2 miles from here, and the little guy went free (unfortunately probably to be a snack for a bigger animal but I try not to dwell on that)....but that isn't all because, well,.....Yami saw another last night...

Today, I called All Creatures and guess what.....these are the babies!!!! Their mother probably didn't come back to the nest (did I tell you that Scott set traps) and they are out looking for food! OK, now I just feel horrible....of course, I can't keep mice in my house and no, they are not pets, but I certainly had no intention of taking a mother away from her babies even if that mama is grey, furry, and is residing in a place where she is not welcome......

Somewhere the karma keepers watch, and record...Orphan Adopter also Orphan Creator.....the No-Critter Policy in the Baker household, like many policies, has unintended consequences--

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