Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm up early this morning.....I think it was 4:22 a.m. when I got out of bed and I know I was up a little bit in the middle of the night.....its dawn now and I'm pretty sure its my favorite time of day.... its quiet and I have some time alone with just my thoughts....I'm sure one of the boys will be up soon but oh, for now......

I feel bad that I haven't been responding to comments on the blog. Actually, until now, I just didn't know how to but I think I've figured it out and I will be better about this......

I know that today already holds some business....two soccer games, two team photos, a trip to the gym for me, and preparation for Isaiah's party tomorrow (bowling alley/store bought cake....see I'm letting go...this is a far cry from the year I baked 9 individual planets to present as the solar system -- (remember when Pluto still had status?))

Well, child #1 is up and there goes the end of the quiet.....that's OK, I had my time this morning, and some day, I'll have nothing but.......


  1. Hi Davida,

    I have two boys and fostering a third, would love to talk dh into adopting a daughter from China. Ran across your blog and thought I would say hi, your kids are all so cute. Can not wait to follow your adventure to China. I became a follower. Kristi

  2. I'm not sure how you can reply to a comment without replying on your blog, but you can easily click on someone's name and connect to their blog that way, and then leave a comment there. That's what I do...but, I'm not very computer savvy!
