Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smuggs photos-- trying again!

A little chocolate milk and Mom's day off

Today is the day of the "Pig Roast" which is a misnomer for our family but is an annual pilgrimage that Yami makes to Amherst, MA to play rugby. This time, he has taken the younger set along for the day and has left me at home (photo is breakfast at a bagel place in Peterborough which would not be the same sans the chocolate milk).

Today is suppose to be a day off for me. I do not think I've had one in about 6 years. Here is what I'm not suppose to do today: 1.not make the returns at Target that I need to make, 2. not clean the house that really needs to be cleaned, 3. not fold the laundry that sits there in the baskets calling out to me, 4.not feel obligated to do a big workout at the gym......I'm sure I could go on. Here is what I am suppose to do: nap, read if I feel like it, get a pedicure at the cheap but clean enough pedicure place, go for a walk if I feel like it.....I'm sure I could go on.

I feel strangely at peace with not doing much today. If you know me, you'll know that I'm a hyper-doer and not doing much goes against all my natural inclinations. So, in a way I feel like a complete rebel and its funny but it kind of feels good. If you ask me tomorrow what I did today, I'm really hoping that I can answer, not much. There are two things that I have to do however -- one, go for routine fasting blood work (that I did this morning) and two, make it to the bookstore to buy some books for our friend's new baby.....I'll do that when I feel like it......later.....and after, maybe I'll have a glass of chocolate milk......

> .

Friday, July 29, 2011

Four is More

Call me naive, or in denial, or downright stupid to believe that there wouldn't really be a difference in the amount of effort it takes to take care of 4 children vs. 2.  I think that when I thought about it, I always just thought, what's the big deal, so you make more food.  Or, what's the big deal, you already have to make 2 lunches, just make 2 more, dish out a few extra plates, do a few more loads of laundry, make a few more appointments, go to a few more sports games.  But, with E and Z gone at camp, this is the first time that I really see that four is definitely more and that it is not the laundry or the food that takes up the most of my parenting time and energy.  Rather, I spend the most energy with the kids on addressing and meeting each child's needs and requests, addressing grievences, answering their questions, and trying to find the time to give them experiences that aren't on my agenda but are sure on their's (making ice cream in the ice cream maker (M), seeing Harry Potter b/f leaving for camp (E), getting to the bookstore to buy Frighful's Mountain (Z), finding new flip flops that are pink and that are comfortable (S)).

Though I miss E and Z, the last few days have been quieter, calmer, even less stressful......Yami and I always thought that it was the younger set that required a lot more time and energy but in reality, they are quite simple, easy.  The things they need are simple like cuddles and stories and Webkinz World on-line.  In actuality, the things that E and Z need can also be quite simple like playing catch, talking Pokemon, or getting them to the pool.  That said, the needs and wants of a 4 year old are very different than the needs and wants of an almost 11 year old and so I think it is the very different needs of the two different sets of kids that becomes hard to juggle and sometimes leaves me frazzled (yep, I admit it, I get frazzled and when I do, believe me, I am not my best self.......OK, that's a serious understatement......)

Anyway, this has been a positive experience so far and I was really worried about having them away.  The day b/f they left, I was even sick about it.  But, that said, I've had a chance to spend some fun time with M and S (diner for breakfast (M says he never did that), made it to a movie that M wanted to see, watched ultra social S hang out with her 12 yr. old buddy at camp).  

So, here's the deal, if 4 is more than 2, well, then someday maybe all the kids will go to camp and then, well, maybe instead of freaking out, I'll actually feel what my Dad felt when we were out of the house.  I called and he told me that he was worried about how he'd do with all of us gone, and then he said, "you know what, it ain't so bad!"  And for me, the best part is that after a few weeks, I could go back to my wildly, wonderful, perfect for me, sometimes frazzled existence with 4..........

Begin forwarded message:
(The latest letter to the boys)

Isaiah and Emet--
Hi there guys-- It has been so incredibly wonderful to get letters from you both.  Yesterday I received 2 from Emet and 1 from Isaiah.  Today I received 1 from Isaiah.  I look forward to checking the mailbox every day when I get home if I know that mail has likely come.

I hope you received the first envelope I sent.  I sent a second envelope for each of you as well.  In that envelope is tape and some goodies.  I don't think it went out until this evening (even though I brought it to the post office place at Harvest yesterday -- at Harvest it only goes out once a day)--  Its a good thing that we live so close to camp b/c then the mail doesn't take so long.

How's cooking going Emet?  I can't wait to hear.

How's your injury, Zay?  I hope you are doing better.

I saw Max and Harry Porter tonight for the sleep over at Camp Hadar.  Micah, Silin, Daddy and I went for the family night.  There really weren't very many kids.  I'm not sure why but the camp seems quite quiet.

This weekend Daddy's friend Jim, is having a celebration for his new son down in Boston.  I think we are going to go on Sunday.  Its in a temple in Brookline and that is where they will announce the baby's name and have a ceremony for him.

By the way, I wanted to let you know that there was a very nice photo of you, Emet, on the Camp Yavneh website.  Isaiah, I think that you might be in a photo in the background near the ga ga pit but its hard to be sure.  So, guys, when the photographer is nearby, see if you can get in on a photo or two b/c it sure is nice for us to see you!

Alright, once again, I'm writing at bedtime.  I love you guys and of course, Daddy sends his love!


PS  Micah told me to tell you that he won $500 on the vacation wheel on Webkinz.  Honestly, he was super excited.
PPS  Silin now knows that Emet starts with "E" and Isaiah starts with "I" -- we're making progress

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yami's kitchen construction album

Here is Yami's album with the newest photos first -- as you go through, you are actually going back in time to see it from the start--
Subject: View my album on MobileMe Gallery

whoa.....what happened?

Well, my apologies.....I tried to post some photos of the construction we are doing on the house but something went wrong and now my blog is all crazy! I'm going to try to fix it--

update:  well, the only thing I can figure out is to delete the photos -- hopefully I can figure out a different way to post them -- we are living in a construction zone and Yami has been taking pictures as the project moves along--its kind of cool to see the progress....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Letters Home

Today I got letters from both boys (actually from Emet I received 2).  So, here they are (exactly as it is written, spelling and all):

Here is Emet's first one:

Dear Mom and family, when I got to camp we had a meating at are bunk about rules ect.  We had dinner after that, tour, 3 games.  I love you familiy.  Goodbye
9:20 Emet

Next one (in extremely hard to to read writing)
Dear Dad and family, I had a tough time "Going to BED" (1:00 a.m.) I had a gooD time today.  I choose cooking.  I did not like Hebrew class.  ______ swim class.   P.S. I'm going to choos fishing for second choose.

And here is Isaiah's:
Dear Mommy and Daddy :)
Brearkfast was awsome!  There were a lot of eggs and stuff.  Anyways today we chosed activeitees.  I chose sports.  We played dodge-ball (abriveated version), and ga-ga.  After ga-ga I went to get a drink from the water fountain.  On the way I slipped and fell.  Two brooses, topped off with a knee cap got smashed! :(  It's been hurting all day.  Love your (mildly(hopefully)) hurt Isaiah.

OK, these are priceless!!!!!  I think I'm living vicariously through them :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fwd: Hello Isaiah (aka Dad's first email to Z at camp)

> Hey Zay,
> It should be Tuesday when you are reading this and I hope all is well with you. We got rained on heavily today (Monday), including while I was grilling, so I hope you didn't get too soaked. Even though it was raining, I had to cook outside because the construction workers removed our oven today. It was a sad sight sitting all alone in the back yard, ready for the trash, but I am very excited for the new ovens that will eventually be installed and I'm always happy to have an excuse to grill :)
> Micah and Silin had their first day of Camp Hadar and they both seemed like they enjoyed themselves. Silin did arts and crafts and Micah played a lot of sports. He says he almost got to be the server in 4-square - go buddy! Tomorrow they are going to Kim's for the day and I''ll be heading to work, of course. I thought you might like to hear that I am having a meeting in my office with some people from Hyundai. I'll let you know if they say anything interesting about their cars. As fun as all this sounds (ha ha), I'm sure you will definitely have better options at Camp!
> I want you to know that we are thinking of you and that we are so proud that you decided to go. I know its only "camp", but really its like a great adventure and I'm excited for you. You are truly one of the special people on this earth and I love you. And remember - don't make the same mistake I made at sleep-away camp when I participated in the boxing activity and got knocked silly by someone who actually knew how to box. I don't think boxing is an option - but if it is, don't get into the ring!
> Anyway, its getting late and I should get some rest before my meeting tomorrow. So remember that we're thinking of you and happy for you too. I can only imagine all of the things you are going to do there and can't wait to hear about them. Let us know if you need anything and we will send it to you if we can.
> Love,
> Dad (and Mom, Micah, and Silin)

Fwd: Hello Emet (aka Dad's first email to Em at camp)

> Hi Em,
> It's Monday night and the house is finally quiet, dishes are cleaned up, and the coffee is ready to go for Mom when she wakes up in the morning. With most of the lights off, I can almost forget that the house is a total construction zone. We grilled salmon on the patio for dinner, and once again, i got caught outside in the rain in the middle of cooking. With all of the rain, I couldn't help but wonder if you were getting rained on too and how the weather was affecting everything going on at camp. Hopefully, you didn't get too wet and that you were able to do all of the activities you wanted to do.
> When we dropped you off Sunday, it kind of felt like we were taking you to Station 9 3/4 at Kings Cross to catch the Hogwarts Express. There goes our young wizard off on his great adventure! I'm proud of you that you chose to go to camp and that you made it happen. I hope you have a great time there.
> Anyway, its getting late and I had better get some sleep before work tomorrow, so just know that we are thinking of you and that we love you and that you are one of the very special people on this earth.
> Have a great day!
> Love Dad,
> (and Mom, Micah, and Silin)
> p.s. - the construction progressed a little in your's and Micah's room - we can see where your wall, door, and closets are going to go. (your bed has got to be more comfortable that the floor of the green room)
> p.p.s. - please let us know if you need ANYTHING at all. We'll send it to you if we can
> p.p.p.s - are there any big snorers in your bunk? hopefully, no one's too bad!
> Sent with Good (

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fwd: Davida saves Vermont! (Yami's title)

I guess being fire aware (OK, neurotic) comes in handy from time to time -- I actually discovered smoke in the bathroom at Smugglers notch, told someone, and see above for what came next -- something was burning in a ceiling fan in the women's bathroom-- now I don't feel so crazy for having redundant smoke detectors.........

In the bunk at drop off

Well, they made it there and today was their first full day. I can't wait to hear how things are going-- today I sent them magazines and sodoku-- I hope I get a letter from them in the next few days :) Though I was sad early yesterday, today I'm fine -- I hope they are having a good time --

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Game Over

Isaiah attends his first night game with Dad -- sweetness x 2!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tomorrow is the day

After an enormous effort to get the kids packed for camp, the day is
upon us-- tomorrow Z and E will head off away from home for the first
time-- Relieved that packing is over, the sadness is starting--
without a doubt I'm going to miss them so much-- hopefully we can use
this as a chance to really have fun with M and S!

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer 2011

Its been too long since I've blogged and its unclear to me why that is......except, of course, that with four kiddos life is busy. But, here we are, summer of 2011 and its time to get back in business. First, I need to figure out how to upload more than one photo at a time (hmmm...maybe I did figure that out). Secondly, I need to remember to send the photos to the blog whenever I send them to Yami.

This summer we already joined a pool club (Bedford Bluffs--photo above), have begun major construction on the house, have vacationed in Smugglers Notch (actually its where we are right now -- today Yami and I did our first real mountain bike experience over at the Von Trapp Family Lodge -- yep, I even met two Von Trapps!), and in a few weeks, we will send Z and E off to sleep away camp for their first time.

Yami leaves tomorrow for a major boondoggle in Vegas to celebrate Jonah's upcoming wedding. The rest of us will be in CT for Silin's China adoption group reunion gathering this weekend. Though I wish Yami could be there, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else and especially to having Silin meet her "China cousins" for the first time in almost two years--

Monday, July 11, 2011