Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our LOA is here!!!!

I got a call yesterday from our agency congratulating us -- our letter of approval (LOA) arrived at the agency (the LOA is China's way of saying that we can be Si Lin's parents, that we meet all the requirements, etc.)

So, yesterday, exactly 9 years after we became parents for the first time, on our oldest son's 9th birthday, on 9-09-09, we became parents again!!! I am feeling truly blessed.....

It looks like we will travel very late October or early November (funny, two of the dates our agency mentioned have us leaving on either M's birthday (10/22) or E's birthday (11/5) -- I hate to miss any birthday but we will simply have to celebrate by Skype if we are in China -- and I know that Bubbe and Grandma will have a celebration while we are away!

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