Sunday, November 29, 2009


(this was written last week but I forgot to post)

Well, what I've trying to do much of today is write a blog post about maximizing meaning. That is, I'm trying to remind myself of the big picture and to remember (or maybe convince myself) that the overwhelming amount of mundane tasks that I do all day each day serve a higher purpose. But currently that post is not ready for prime time and so I'll write about this instead....

Micah and Silin are becoming friends....

In a genuine way Micah and Silin are enjoying each other. Today it was ring around the rosy with Micah leading, team shape sorting with Micah identifying the slot and Silin pushing the shape in (she really still does not "get" the shape sorter -- I will talk to early intervention about this but it does concern me though just a little), Micah, Silin, and myself jumping and singing to a song that goes, "we're jumping, we're jumping, we're jumping....YEAH! (jump when you say "yeah"), Silin spontaneously going up to Micah to hug him and Micah liking it, and a long game with Silin in the lead of Silin running between the master bedroom and the boys' room with Emet's Webkin pet snake in tow and Micah following trying to keep up holding a plush Clifford. For a while Micah seemed pretty determined to not like Silin but clearly she's growing on him and that makes me happy. Honestly, I think when she catches up some, it will be even more fun for them. By nature, Silin seems very social and outgoing. Micah is pretty reserved. Somehow I think that Silin will help Micah to just relax and have fun, maybe even to be a little more social in ways that he might not otherwise be inclined. Those who are different from us can push us to explore the boundaries of our comfort zone and that's not always a bad thing (wink, wink, thanks Yami).....

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