Sunday, November 8, 2009

A good report and some fun outside

This morning I took Silin to have her TB test read.  I knew she was negative b/c she showed no reaction at all.  That was great news.  There were 2 other children that went with us and both of their tests showed a huge reaction -- their parents had to pay 600 Yuan (almost $100) for a chest Xray and moreover, when they get home they will need 9 months of antibiotics which is followed closely by their local health departments.  We have been nothing short of lucky on this trip (except for the one flightmare)-- I hope the rest of the journey is as smoothe.  Yesterday we found out that one of the people in our group has a hernia -- they almost wanted to operate on him here but are now saying he can return and have the operation done in the U.S.
I took Silin to the playground this morning -- its in a little park on the island.  There were many older people doing Tai Chi.  The first time we took her she had absolutely no idea what a slide was.  She was scared to go up the steps and she just watched the other kids.  The second time we went she didn't seem quite as afraid.  She was still scared to climb the steps of the slide but she let me put her on top of it and hold her on the way down.  Today, I let her go on the slide many many times and by the end, she could climb up the stairs on her own, still needed help sitting down, but then would push herself down and I would catch her at the bottom as she giggled in delight.  Progress....we are making progress for sure!  She is still mommy shopping which I completely expected -- that is, to her I am still just caregiver #143 or something like that.  If I let her, she'd probably let anyone hold her, help her down the slide, feed her, ect.  but I'm not letting that happen.  We will make progress on this front too.  One day she will get it....there is something different about Yami and I, we are non-fungible goods!!
By the way, I went shopping again today and I stink at bartering....I really do....I only get the things I like and I've managed to get small discounts but I am certain that there is much more room to bargain.  Thing is, I don't want to walk out if they don't meet my price b/c the things I'm buying I actually really want.  So, like I said yesterday, I'm OK with it.  Next time we get to China, I'll be more experienced.....
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