Sunday, November 15, 2009

A tough evening

I'm going on the record to say that tonight was tough, really tough with Silin. She did not want to be put down while I was trying to cook dinner and she didn't want anyone else to hold her but me. She wanted to eat but not in her seat and she was very upset that she couldn't carry an open yogurt around the house. She had a few temper tantrums that didn't last too long but they were long enough. She is wonderful and I am so grateful for her but there are moments that are tough and as much as I prepared for them, when its happening its really unpleasant.

Luckily, I got to go for a very nice walk today with M and E (we pushed Silin in the stroller and thanks to E's pushing I sometimes had my hands free to hold M's hand). She said her very first real word, "doggie" which sounded like "dah-gie" and we saw many of them today on our walk. When she sees a dog she makes the cutest "woo woo woo woof" sound. She really seems to like them and was not afraid when my friend Mimi's dog, Howie, came close to her.

Tomorrow is going to be the first day that I have to pack lunches and get kids off to school with Silin home....oh, wish me luck....I'm going to need it!

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