Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The New Mix

Things are going well, better than I expected.  Silin slept through the night, we all had a play session in her room before bed last night, and I discovered a spontaneous "I love Silin" written on the chalkboard downstairs (I think by E).  That said, the relationship with M is still in need of more healing....he mentioned a trip to Chuck E. Cheese and I think that would do wonders for him....I'm going to leave the other kids at home and take M out for some one-on-one fun.
Silin and M took a bath together the other night and what do you know, she pooped in the bath....poor M.  I got him out as soon as I saw what was happening but still.  E is definitely stepping up in the big brother role and its pretty clear that Silin is enamored with all of them.
Today Silin had her first music class at Nini Bambini run by my friend Nina and she also had her first check-up with the pediatrician.  She loved music class and as for the doctor's, well, she didn't love that but she did fine and upon initial examination she looks great.  I received forms and containers for lab work and she will have a complete work up which I'm hopeful will reveal nothing of concern. 
Grateful, honestly, there is no word that better describes how I feel.  How did I get so lucky.....  I always said to God to please just keep me well and I will always try to use my life to do good, to serve, to try to live in accordance with my highest self.  To be born free and in this time, to not have to struggle just to eat, to have my health, to be blessed with family and friends, my life is rich.  I do not take this for granted.  At any moment everything could change.  But while it is this way, I intend to appreciate it and to live up to my obligation to live fully and to participate in the mending of this world, even if in only in  small ways because what I know is that small things done by many are no longer small things.....


  1. Oh I am sooooo happy for you! For all of you!!
    Silin is where she belongs. Finally!
    I hope our paths cross soon.
    God is good...

