Saturday, October 17, 2009

This is really happening

For a long time it seemed unsure -- would this really ever happen? Would we find our child? Would China grant us approval? Would we get approval to travel? And now, it seems a bit surreal......we have tickets and we are going to travel....I even have partially packed bags to show for it. We are going to meet Silin....we are going to have a daughter..... This is all happening and I am trying to sit back and take it all in (while running around like a crazy person trying to get everything that needs to get done done b/f we leave). For her, I want to chronicle is her story and it is our family's story as well......this is really happening.....what once seemed so amorphous is manifesting itself before my eyes.......My goal: stay present and watch this experience unfold......


  1. Congratulations! Try to breathe and take it all in. I wish I would have. Before you now it your life will have a new fabulous normal and all this anticipation will be a part of the past. I do think it is easier said than done...

    Fellow RQer

  2. Oh I am soooo excited for you and your family.

    You do have a daughter and she was made for you!! Take thousands of new a few trinkets and savor every challenge!

    I brought along a tiny tape recorder and recorded every meeting...just for a different perspective. If you have a digital one bring it along.

    Enjoy every minute of it...can't wait to follow along

    Blessings on your preparation and travel.

