Monday, October 5, 2009

Peace is....

The boys came home with statements they wrote about what peace is to them.....

Peace means going to bed at night and going home after school and after going on a really hard trail and reading a book and playing games.

Peace is kindn(es)s to me.  Peace is fr(i)endship to me.  Peace is to hlep people in be smart and to tell people whet they do not (k)no(w).  

Ok , I'll try--
Peace is a world in which every person has enough and where the meaning of enough preserves the world for the multitudes who come after.  Peace is about living consciously and being grateful for that which is easy to take for granted.  Peace means love and friendship and the end of suffering.  Peace means having something to live for, to work means seeing beyond our own needs and helping others reach their dreams.  Peace means knowing that though we are not perfect, we are enough, and that we can make a difference during our lives if we take the opportunity to do so........

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