Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lice, Lice, Baby....

Anyone remember Vanilla Ice and his one hit wonder, Ice, Ice,
Baby?..... Vanilla Ice took the riff and forever changed the memory
of Queen's Under Pressure.... Anyway, today marks the day when we
are finished (hopefully) with the lice situation, yes,
lice.....ugghhh!!!! After 4 days of nonstop cleaning of heads,
sheets, towels, and vacuuming, I believe that this nasty situation is
finally over. Irony of ironies is that 3 hours before I discovered
this problem, my dryer broke.....luckily I was able to get Sears to
come out on Saturday to fix it.

I'm putting my order into the universe for nothing exciting.....just
normal day to day stuff.....OK? Its been a while since life was like
that and I'm ready......

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