Friday, September 4, 2009

Feast or Famine

I read a post today on one one my China adoption yahoo groups that was in response to a mother who was having bedtime struggles with her know, one more story, one more glass of water, the kind of thing that happens with all kids who really don't want to be in bed yet. The woman responding was the mother of kids in their twenties (as well as probably to some toddlers given that its a toddler adoption yahoo group) who was lamenting that her big kids no longer come to her at night...they are too busy with their homework or friends or whatever they have going on....but they are not coming to her. She described it as "feast or famine" and I understand......

This morning it took a lot for me to get the kids off to school....I'm not quite sure why.....all was well until I did something to upset E (turned off a light while he was still in the basement) and that kind of sent him over the edge -- I have to admit I already felt like on was on the edge after a lonnngggg impromptu drum and screechy recorder session "performed" by Z and E that made me feel like a Grateful Dead jam session was skipping on a record over and over.......I'm not sure why I encouraged their musical exploration to begin with buying them tons of instruments at a young age including drums, bells, and all sorts of other noise making me a grump, call me lame, but I confess, in general, I like it relatively quiet.....its not that I don't want to be around them, I enjoy being around them and usually it feels just right....but when the volume starts to increase and the noise is relentless, I kind of wish the floor could open and they could fall into their own soundproofed playroom below so I could be spared.....

Now they are at school......its quiet here.....feast or famine......the quiet is good for a little while....I'm going to try to enjoy it.... in fact, I really will because later today its back to feast.......

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